To go around the world, you have to pay for it. On average, a one-year world tour costs € 14,500 ( see our budget page around the world ) and although it can be done for much less than that, it is still a significant sum . How to finance your trip? There are several solutions.

Our investigation: how do Tourdumondists finance their trip?

how the Tourdumondists finance their trip

See our big survey of the world tours in full.


For those who have a job, the best solution is simply to put money aside. Even with an average salary, it is possible to save. It is enough to take a not too big housing, if possible in colloc, to be limited on the restaurants and the exits, to take the public transport and not to succumb to the temptations of the shopping.

Piggy bank


Choosing a project, building a file and prospecting for sponsors is difficult and time consuming. A large majority of travelers going around the world have no sponsors. However, if you have not managed to save enough money and do not want to wait to go around the world, you can try to find sponsors.

Choose a project

To hope to find a sponsor, it is necessary to have a project to present. Sponsors may be sensitive to a humanitarian, ecological, cultural or sports project. But be careful not to build your project for the sole purpose of finding a sponsor. It is important to find a project that is really important to you.

Some ideas

Here are some thematic ideas for a world tour, gleaned from the Internet: microcredit, video, eco-responsible, cycling, cooking, crafts, trains, comics, stop, homestay, photo, diving, horseback, creation of business, wine, schools, football, micro-credit, theater, music, hospitals, photo … However altruistic projects have the best chance of succeeding.

Have yourself and your family sponsored!Have yourself and your family sponsored!

Constitute a folder

It is important to tie your file in order to convince the sponsors. You can submit it in pdf to send by email and possibly provide a paper version to send by post but the most important thing is to have a website that clearly shows your project. Be creative to stand out. A good video presentation can make the difference. Detail the visibility you give to your sponsors on your site. Specify the purpose of your trip and detail the budget so sponsors know what the money will be for you. Two good examples of sponsorship files: the Romain Corraze file and the file of I have an opening